I write about a lot of things: decision making, action taking, future-proofing bodies, general curiosity and what I’m picking up along the way.

Coffee Movement
1737 Balboa St, San Francisco
→ 2% matcha latte

Flywheel Coffee Roasters
672 Stanyan St, San Francisco
→ overall energy

The best conversation happen over coffee. Sharing caffeine is my favorite way to connect with old friends and new humans. As I’m based in the Bay Area, I dropped a few of my favorites. Try them out and if you’re in town, let’s connect over a cup ↓

1525 Union St. San Francisco, CA
→ whole milk flat white

Coffee Shop
3139 Mission St, San Francisco
→ honey iced latte

Every week, I share thoughts.

There’s a incessant push to specialize or “niche down!” when it comes to building a community or whatever you want to call a online following. I’ve always felt better doing things I’m not told to do. I enjoy existing as a contrarian thinker and moving against the grain, knitting a new colored line in our social fabric. All fancy words to say, I chat a lot about a lot. Every week, I like to produce some succinct memo of my current thoughts — things sparking curiosity, things I’m changing my mind on, exploring, experiencing, interested in trying. Maybe you could categorize it as “lifestyle” but again, we hate boxes, so let’s just call it a commentary on current curiosities.

I feel it’s important to give you a glimpse of who I am so you have a look into the perspective from which I’m writing from. Context is like the Ace of Spades, the highest and most valued card of messaging. It provides meaning, bought in understanding of nuances and subtleties and when provided well, it helps people process information faster, make decisions quicker, and feel less anxious when met with a novel though.

Born and raised in Alexandria Virginia. I’m an east coast native. (Signal 1)

Decided to move across the country for college and name tag as a West Coast Transplant. (signal 2)

I played Division 1 Lacrosse in College at Stanford (signal 3) and decided to purse a major in design thinking, science and technology (signal 4).

I’m acutely aware of my flaws (signal 5). Some I work hard to reverse, others I leave alone as I view their flip side as strengths, while then others I have waiting for me to address when I have a larger capacity to do so.

I speak with undeniable conviction, even when uncertain or unconvinced. To others, my fortitude may be misinterpreted as combative or inauthentic.

I can be restless and impatient. This causes me to pivot before I need to or look to solve before I spend the time to fully grasp the entirety of the problem.

I crave change and underestimate the impact of change on others. Recklessly open minded, I change my mind quickly which allows me to grow at rapid rates but can be disorienting to those around me [especially to the humans close to me].

I’m hyper independent at the cost of asking for help and isolating from others. This has made it challenging to find consistent mentorship especially.

I have ADHD and jump to conclusions, solutions and end states quicker than others with ease. If I forget to leave bread crumbs for others to follow, my story gets lost and is hard for others to buy into or believe in.