Brand Strategist


Cook Children’s Health Care System of Texas has improved the health of children for over 100 years. Yet, despite a century-long history of providing exceptional pediatric care, Cook Children's lacked an internal employee promise to match it’s external child promise. They engaged Monigle to evolve their story of magic to speak to their talent too.

The video below is a preview of the brand work Monigle previously introduced that guided the new employee experience.



Reinforcing the commitment to improve the well-being of every child, we took the Cook Children’s promise: everything for the child and developed a reciprocal promise and system to reflect a deep employer commitment to it’s dedicated staff of healthcare workers.

Solution: Enabling you with anything, so you can give everything.

Introducing a strong EVP is the most effective way to attract and retain top talent. Our work emphasized a promise of exceptional care to employees first, to better serve the child first. Through workshops and interviews we saw a broken system of exhausted and burnt out workers. The ultimate outcome needed to reflect a universal promise to cover both child and the talent taking care of them. We took the Cook Children’s commitment to family-led care, the spirit of magic, deep empathy and togetherness and brought it full circle to team members giving them a promise of attention, enablement and empathy to show up for what matters most: the child. \

*EVP is unavailable to be shared publicly.

This new internal promise serves as a connection between the life-changing work delivered on a daily basis and the individuals responsible for delivering it.
